Color fan and ink card

Metal characteristics

Material features & surfaces. Find out everything you need to know about the appearance of your metal cut here.

Material characteristics
& appearance

We generally use V2A stainless steel (1.4301 2B) or aluminium (EN AW 5754 H111) for our metal contour cuts.

The above-mentioned V2A stainless steel is a cold-rolled, acid-resistant 18/10 chrome-nickel steel. It is highly resistant to corrosion, making it ideal for outdoor use thanks to its weather and UV resistance. V4A stainless steel only needs to be used for maritime applications. The visually smooth surface is modified by further processing steps (ground or mirror-polished surfaces). 

The aluminium used has a significantly lower weight than V2A stainless steel. Thanks to its magnesium alloy, the aluminium also has very good corrosion resistance. There is a choice of 2 different aluminium surfaces (clear anodized / polished). 

All cuts are made using the latest generation of high-precision lasers. Any burrs that occur on the cut edges of thicker sheets are removed by additional subsequent processing.

Stainless steel

In contrast to an aluminium compound material (surfaces made of aluminium with a plastic core), the stainless steel blank is made of 100% metal. This means that the cut edges also have an attractive metal look, giving the whole thing a cool and stylish appearance. There are 2 surface finishes to choose from: The sanded material (240 grit, sanded lengthwise) is not as high-maintenance as a mirror-polished surface. Depending on the angle of incidence of light, the polished material can appear very dark to almost white. With mirror-polished stainless steels, the surface is removed by mechanical polishing and then a mirror polish is applied. This results in a uniform mirror effect over the entire cut surface. . 

(Click through the video clips for the different material thicknesses, surfaces & installation options)

2mm, ground, adhesive

2mm, ground, adhesive

Polierte Edelstahl Zuschnitte detallierte Ansicht

1 mm, mirror finish, adhesive

Geschliffene Edelstahl Zuschnitte in detallierte Ansicht

2mm, ground, distance mounting

Polierte Edelstahl Zuschnitte detallierte Ansicht

1 mm, mirror finish, distance mounting


We offer 2 different surface finishes for aluminium: The polished material has a more "matt" finish compared to stainless steel, which also creates a very appealing uniform look. With clear anodized aluminium, a chemical process creates an oxide layer that gives the aluminium additional corrosion protection.

(Click through the video clips for the different color examples & mounting options)

Ground aluminum cuts

2mm, sanded, adhesive


2mm, clear anodized, adhesive

Polished aluminum blanks

2mm, black anodized, adhesive


2mm, ground, distance mounting


2mm, clear anodized, distance mounting

2mm, black anodized, distance mounting

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