Color fan and print color chart

Colors of foam board

Material characteristics
& appearance

Untreated foam board

The untreated material is available in black (similar to RAL 9011) and white (similar to RAL 9003). It is characterized by a uniformly fine-textured surface. The foam structure visible in the cut surfaces is very fine-celled and has a homogeneous rough-matte look.

(Click through the video clips for the various material thicknesses, surfaces, and mounting options)

8mm, white, adhesive


8mm, black, adhesive


8mm, white, distance mounting


8mm, black, distance mounting


19 mm, white, adhesive


19 mm, black, adhesive

19mm, white, distance mounting

19mm, white, distance mounting


19mm, black, distance mounting

Foam board digitally printed & painted

In this variant, we print on the front of the foam board or paint the material on the front and side surfaces. The open-pored material is still slightly visible at the cut edges after varnishing, but the front surfaces are absolutely smooth. We can reproduce all colors (including gradients) in the digital direct printing process. The colors should be set up in the CMYK color space in the uploaded vector graphic or, ideally, as a RAL/Pantone value for varnishing.

(Click through the video clips for the various color examples & mounting options)


Digital print, 8mm, CMYK tone (yellow), adhesive


Digital print, 8mm, photo design, adhesive

Digital print, 8mm, CMYK tone (yellow), distance mounting


Digital print, 8mm, photo design, distance mounting


Varnished, 8mm, RAL tone (grey), adhesive


Varnished, 8mm, RAL tone (grey), distance mounting

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